Mom Book
Mom sayings
To be used as picture captions.
You're a good doobie.
Everybody poops.
Your hair looks like an Ubangi's.
Sarcasm is ripping flesh.
Are you happy? (question asked while squeezing
your knee in the front seat of the car).
Everything will look better in the morning.
It's nothing to write home about.
It wasn't a real barn burner.
Questions for Mom
How many times did we actually leave our groceries in Forest Lake?
Other Mom things
Who put the jelly IN THE REFRIGERATOR???
Mom walking out to the mailbox in her bathrobe.
Smiley-faces on our lunch bags.
Buttering toast all the way to the edges, leaving no bare bread
Plaid pants with the plaid lined up at the seams
Baton twirling
Walking on knees with feet behind head
Pinwheel cookie carcasses
Folding a fitted sheet
Car shows
"Twigs" - her name at our girl scout camp
Making pillowed nap blankets for kindergarten (preschool?)
Helping us make our sit-upons
Named the cat Titty
Bayfield & Cornucopia
Elvis and 50's stuff
Title of book
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mom
Short stories
Picture comments
4 - Rump roast, anyone?
Ideas for front cover
Lots of cut-outs of Mom's head with white background
and bold title in the middle. Example
Ideas for chapters
Young Mom
Daughters & Granddaughters
Things Mom Taught Me
Famous Mom Sayings
Mom the sports fan (with logos from teams?)
Mom meals
Candybar pick
Wah Wah 'singing' style
Potential vendors
We're going with, so have a look
at their site when you have time. We need to
make decisions about size, format, etc.
Diderot on encyclopedias
Indeed, the purpose of an encyclopedia is to collect knowledge
disseminated around the globe; to set forth its general system to the men
with whom we live, and transmit it to those
who will come after us, so that the work of preceding centuries will
not become useless to the centuries to come; and so that our
offspring, becoming better instructed, will at
the same time become more virtuous and happy, and that
we should not die without having rendered a service
to the human race in the future years to come.
Translated for the purposes of this book:
Oh, lo and behold, the purpose of The Illustrated Encyclopedia
of Mom is to gather pictures, comments and stories
about Mom from different states in the U.S. of
A. and Denmark. The system is a book with chapters and
page numbers which we hope people who come after
us can understand. For all the work we put into it,
it had better not be useless for the centuries to come.
We can die with smiles upon our faces, knowing that the
readers of this book have gained a better insight into
the nature of Mom, at the same time becoming
more virtuous and happy.